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Ladies!  We will be looking at the lives & actions of 12 women of the Bible and what they can teach us today.  As we look at each of these women’s lives, we will discover how to:

  • Apply biblical lessons to your own modern-day struggles.
  • Live through your failures as well as your successes.
  • Draw near to God in a world filled with trials.
  • Find lasting contentment in every situation.
  • Overcome rejection and insecurity . . . and much more.

We will be studying the lives of . . .

  1. Shulamite Woman: We Had God at Hello (Lisa Harper) 
  2. Deborah: Fight Like a Girl (Bianca Juarez Olthoff)
  3. Proverbs 31 Woman: How Not to Do It All (Karen Ehman)
  4. Ruth: Staying Focused in a World of Distractions (Chrystal Evans Hurst)
  5. Puah and Shiphrah: How to Fight Your Fears (Margaret Feinberg)
  6. Esther: Letting God Be in Control (Courtney Joseph)
  7. Priscilla: Living a Life of Blessed Ordinary (Karen Ehman)
  8. Mary and Martha: Finding Life in Death (Bianca Juarez Olthoff)
  9. Bent Woman: We've Got God's Complete Attention (Lisa Harper)
  10. Woman with the Issue of Blood: When Persistence Pays Off (Chrystal Evans Hurst)
  11. Elizabeth: How to Win the Waiting Game (Margaret Feinberg)
  12. Anna: How to Live a Life Devoted to God (Courtney Joseph Fallick)

We can't wait to begin this series with you all!  Please contact the church office to sign-up or ask any questions you may have.  See YOU there....