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Amelia and the tour group were still in Pharaoh's palace. Pharaoh told Moses that he wouldn't let the Israelites go, but God had more plagues up His sleeve. He told Moses to go and stretch the staff over the Nile and frogs would come out. He did so and sure enough, frogs came out and covered the land, even ending up in Pharaoh's bowl of food. Pharoah was upset and begged Moses to call off the frogs, and he would let the Israelites go. But after God took the frogs away, Pharaoh hardened his heart and kept the Israelites there.

God sent gnats next and the same thing happened; Pharaoh begged for God to take the plague away but didn't let the Israelites go as he said he would. God then sent flies, which only covered the land of Egypt but not Goshen, where the Israelites lived. Pharaoh continued to harden his heart. God asks for a soft heart, one that is moldable. Pharaoh's flesh was in charge of his life, which isn't good. Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go and so God sent swarms of flies to cover the land. But the land of Goshen was spared.