Despite most of our volunteers being away this week, we had a good Sunday. Captain Careful made an appearance, after having been away for a long time. She learned all about faith and what it is exactly.
Faith is trusting something to do something on your behalf.
The Bible story was the unfortunate tale of Cain and Abel. Both brought a sacrifice before the Lord and God was pleased with Abel's, a lamb. He was pleased because Abel had brought something that God had given him; an offering based on faith. Cain's sacrifice, however, was the product of the work of his hands, everything he'd done while trusting in himself and not God. So God was not please, and Cain, refusing to be humble, killed Abel. God cursed Cain and banished him, separation from his family being the punishment for his crime.
This week is full of preparation for the Pro D Day. Prayers for Friday would be greatly appreciated. Have a good week!