This Sunday, Amelia Jones held one more meeting in preparation for the trip through Ancient Egypt. We met a few new characters, such as Miss Casey, a famous actress doing research for her upcoming movie. We also met Mark Weber, a college student who is caring for his two younger brothers, Jackson and Arnold. Amelia happily welcomed them to the group and then explained that because they'll be following the events in Exodus, they needed to review Genesis, to understand how the Israelites got to Egypt.
With the help of the other travelers (the kids), we saw various skits to help us remember what had happened in Genesis. We saw Abraham and his wife Sarah, who had a son named Isaac (after waiting a long time), and then Isaac married Rebekah. They had twins named Jacob and Esau, two boys who didn't get along for a long time. Though Jacob was the younger one, we managed to steal the blessing of the oldest son. Jacob married four women and in total had 11 sons.
Jacob's favorite son was the youngest one, Joseph. The rest of his brothers were jealous of him and sold him as a slave in Egypt. God took care of Joseph and in everything that Joseph did, he ended up being in charge. When there was a famine in the land, God gave Joseph wisdom for storing up food, so that there was enough to share. Joseph's brothers ended up coming to Egypt to get food and while Joseph recognized them, they didn't. He decided to test them, to see if they had changed at all and when he saw that they had, he revealed who he was. The brothers were so happy and Joseph invited all their families and their father to come live in Egypt, in the best part of the land. And that's how the Israelites got to Egypt.
Amelia was very excited to announce that the passports had arrived for every one. The meeting concluded with everyone drawing passport pictures of themselves. We are so excited to begin the trip next week!