This week, we kicked off our summer series, The Psalms, by looking at Psalm 34. The Psalms are a little bit different than other Bible books, with a lot of different lessons in them. We started by reading out the psalm, while some of us acted out what was being read. The psalm talked about God taking care of the psalmist. From the psalm, we learned that a heart that is seeking after God is a heart that's thankful in all situations. A heart that is self centered will whine and complain. So we asked whether our hearts were seeking after God's heart or not.
We showed the kids a skit about Heaven's Health center, where people went in for their regular heart checkups. One person came in and complained all about having to babysit their little brother, when they wanted to have a sleepover instead. The heart doctor and the nurse agreed that this patient had a very unhealthy heart and needed to be admitted into the cardiac ward. Another patient's cat had died and she was sad and angry, blaming God for not saving her cat. She too had an unhealthy heart and was admitted.
The third patient came in and talked about how he had earned some money and was thankful for it, and he bought a chocolate bar. Then he saw a homeless man and decided to give the man his chocolate bar. The patient was quite thankful that he had had money to buy the chocolate, to give to the homeless man, so that the homeless man wasn't hungry anymore. The doctor and nurse concluded that this patient had a very healthy heart and sent him on his way.
How healthy is your heart? Are you giving thanks in the midst of all situations? Are you complaining?